I switched to the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 from using iPhones since 2012. I bet you know how it disrupted my iMessage group chats.

I'm not the techiest person but I was so excited about placing my pre-order of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 last July 2023. I got a good price cut since I traded in my iPhone 11 Pro Max. I think $699.99 is a pretty good deal for 512 GB storage.

And now, 6 months after, I'm here to share how it's been using it as a daily driver together with 9 SUPCASE customers.

Why did I buy the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5? 

iCloud Storage is full
  1. 1. I was getting tired of being bombarded with iCloud e-mails because my phone storage was running out.
  2. 2. I felt my iPhone 11 Pro Max was too big when putting it in my jeans' back pocket.
  3. 3. I've been curious about foldable phones since the Samsung Z Flip4 came out in 2022.
  4. 4. I wanted a hot pink Motorola Razr so bad back when I was in high school and the Samsung Z Flip5 is very reminiscent of it.

Using the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 As a Daily Driver

As you can tell by the title of this blog post, I love using my Z Flip5. A lot of tech reviewers have already raved about this product so if you want to read more about the specs of this phone, here are some resources:

But if you want to know about other ordinary people's (including my own) experiences with it, keep reading! 

Top 5 Reasons Why I Love My Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5

1. Compact Size

This was the main reason I bought it. I love how it fits so perfectly in any pocket. It's been very convenient when I go for hikes or work out in the gym because it fits in the pockets of my leggings, too. 

We Love the Flip5 After 6 Months of Daily Use - on a work desk

How I usually have my phone on my work desk

We Love the Flip5 After 6 Months of Daily Use - car cup holder

My Z Flip5 is so small that it fits my car cup holder

We Love the Flip5 After 6 Months of Daily Use - with post it note for scale

Placing my Z Flip5 next to a regular Post It Note for scale

2. Double the Usual Starting Phone Storage

I usually bought the 64 GB and 128 GB options with my old iPhones so this was so refreshing to have so much storage with my new Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5. 

The great part is that since I pre-ordered last July 2023, I got the 512 GB storage for the 256 GB price.

Flip5 LinkedIn post 1

3. Decent Camera

One main reason why I stuck with iPhones was because of the good camera quality. I was afraid that the image quality would be much lower with the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 because it doesn't have a telephoto lens but that wasn't the case at all. 

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 Test Shot 1
Photo sample from one of my afternoon walks
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 Test Shot 2
Photo sample with my homecooked lunch

4. Front Screen Customization

Function aside, this is just one fun feature that I like playing around with. There are plenty of themes that Samsung users can buy or get for free from the Samsung Theme Library.  

Samsung Theme Library example
Image credit: Cogul Planet Inc. 

5. Great conversation starter

Never really guessed that my phone would be how I'd start connecting with the local pharmacist and the front desk receptionist at my doctor's office but here we are.

I've had countless times when I've been out in public and started connecting with other people because they commented how cool my phone looked. 

I also recently gave a talk to 5th-graders about my job and the kids in one class passed my phone around because they've never seen one in person before.    

Great conversation starter

What do other Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 owners think about this foldable phone? 

Six months post-launch, we've gathered insights from nine customers who bought our Z Flip5 UB Pro cases, each sharing their personal experiences.

Their stories not only highlight the Flip5's adaptability in various lifestyles but also underscore the device's durability and performance.


How do you like your new Flip5?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5

Justin: I have no complaints about my Flip5. It has performed just like I expected and has a super easy platform to navigate.

Kristin: LOVE IT.  Had a Flip 3 and upgraded when the 5 came out.  I have been a brand loyal Samsung user since the note came out.

Nicholas:  I really love the Flip5. I've gotten lots of comments about the phone.. and it’s just cool lol

Dylan: I absolutely love my Flip5!

Geoff: I really like it!  I had heard that with version 5 Samsung had worked out a lot of the bugs that were present in the earlier-generation versions of the flip, so I decided to make the switch from my Galaxy Note and have no regrets.  I love the size of it when folded, and I'm more cognizant these days of spending too much time on my phone, so I like the idea of just closing it and being done with phone time for a while.

Troy:  I absolutely love it. 

Curtis: Yes, I do love my flip 5, I've been keeping a close eye on the foldables since their re-debut with touchscreens and jumped on the flip5. No complaints at all. I can actually do, I’d say, 90% of my needs from the cover screen. Awesome.

Macy: I do like my Flip5! The radically different form factor took some time to get used to, but I have been enjoying it so far. I'm excited to see what the future holds for foldable devices.

Stephen: Back in the days of iTunes, I was an Apple fanatic but felt the phones in comparison to androids just felt stagnant in terms of progression. Alongside the fact their software "Updates" were purposely slowing down the performance of their older version models to promote their new models.

Have you always been an Android user? If not, what made you switch from Apple to Android?

Android OS

Justin: I have always had an Android since smart phones came out. I can't use any other platform. They are too difficult to navigate.

Kristin: Have always used Android (after the Blackberry).  I feel lost each time I use an IPhone.  Family mostly uses Apple products and I tell them I can't help if there are issues because I get confused and can't navigate.

Nicholas:  I have always been an Android user.. I've tried an Apple for a short time and it just wasn’t enjoyable.

Dylan: I have been an iPhone user but Samsung has better quality phones and accessories. 

Geoff: I initially loved my iPhones but decided I like Android phones better and made the switch a while back. I like the UI better; I think it feels more intuitive, and you get more control versus with iOS.  As a Software Developer, I think the Android user experience is just more in tune with the type of interface I want with a device.

Troy:  I have been an Android user for a very long time. I got away from the Apple products because I did not like the need to go through the Apple store to get the apps I wanted to only find out that the Apple store wouldn't allow that app. I also do not use any other Apple product so the integration of the Apple systems did not work for me. 

Curtis: Yes, I have been a Sprint customer since about '04 or '05 roughly. So when iPhone came out in 2007, I was very happy with my Palm Pilot Trio, I believe it was called. Also, it was cheaper. I did try an iPod once to see if I'd like the user interface (basically the same thing as an iPhone without the phone part). I didn’t like it at all. So then my first Android was 2009-2010-ish. It had Froyo operating system. Been hooked on Android ever since. 

Macy: I made the switch from iPhone to Android in 2011 and haven't looked back. I was drawn to the customization, price, and design options of Android smartphones. Experimenting and tinkering with my devices is something I enjoy, and Android fits the bill for me.

Stephen: I had to switch to Android. Now, we are at a stage where screens are folding! A Smaller phone which slips into my pocket (also great against pickpockets) and unfolds into a bigger screen equivalent to Ultras or Plus model phones it simply seems like a no brainer.

What made you decide to switch to a foldable phone?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 Unicorn Beetle PRO rugged phone case

Justin: I switched to a foldable phone because of the size and ease of fitting in my pocket.

Kristin: Easy - SIZE and somewhat nostalgia.  Being able to put my phone in a pocket is great.  For example, going to a theme park with the kids; I don't have to carry a bag to make sure I have room for a phone.  Phone fits in a pocket without half sticking out.  Funny but true - Being able to open the phone to answer and close to end the call is great.  I also get the satisfaction of "hanging up" if needed.

Nicholas:  I decided to go with a foldable phone  because I am really rough with phones... They are too big and I always end up crushing the screen.. I had hoped the foldable phone would would be a little more durable

Dylan: I have wanted to go to a flip phone like the Flip5 because it's cool!

Geoff: Back in the day, I liked the size of the old Nokia and Motorola flip phones, and I missed that since I primarily carry my phone in my pocket.  I previously had a Galaxy Note - I liked the size of the screen but it was kind of annoying to carry around sometimes.  With smartphones, for me it's always been a conflict between wanting a large screen and having it fit in my pocket.  When I saw that Samsung had developed a flip phone version of a touchscreen phone, I was psyched to try it out.  

Troy:   I used flip phones back in the beginning of the cellular era and I like the compact nature of the foldable phone. I also like the fact I do not have to open the phone to utilize it.  

Curtis: Well, my first phone wasn’t a foldable at all until about 2002-2003 with Sprint, so the nostalgic feel of a foldable again really hits home. And because it’s different from the rest - smaller. 

Macy: I purchased the Z Flip5 on a whim. My biggest attraction was the change in form factor from typical smartphones. The various folding positions and addition of a cover screen have added a lot of variety to the ways I can interact with my phone. One of my favorite features is the ability to answer or hang up calls just by opening or closing the device. I've just about mastered the one-handed flick-open technique.

Stephen: I've owned the Flip 3, 4, and, now, the Flip5 and the improvements between them are drastic.

A lot of people ask me if the crease on the middle of the screen bothers me. What do you think about it?

Samsung Galaxy Flip5 crease

Image credit: PhoneArena

Justin: The crease does not bother me. I don't even notice it even when I am watching movies on my phone.

Kristin: That is a common question, along with do you like it.  I barely notice the middle of the phone in the folding area.  Only time I do is when I try to click something that is along the fold.  Sometimes it works fine but others I have to scroll a tiny bit up or down to touch select.  My go to line is that I have a 8 year old who plays on it and the screen has not cracked or the hinge area has not been damaged.  Only reason I got a new one after a year was because the new Flip5 was released! 

Nicholas:  The crease doesn’t bother me.. and when I'm using the phone you really don't even notice unless you angle the phone.. not an issue at all.

Dylan: The crease takes time getting used to but now it’s cool.

Geoff: It doesn't bother me at all.  My niece asked me if my finger gets caught in it when I'm scrolling and it really doesn't. 99% of the time you don't notice it when looking at the phone.  After a while, I think your brain just factors it in.

Troy:   Originally, I thought that this would be the case but once I started using the phone daily, the crease does not even show up in your visual field unless you are looking for it. It does not affect the images or videos at all. It does show slightly if you are looking at the screen from an angle but not there if looking at it straight on.

Curtis: It really doesn't bother me. I thought it might once I had it on hand. But not at all, I know there has to be some give and take here. There is so much more to gain if one is to accept the crease. I really forget about it with daily use, it doesn’t get in the way or impose on anything. Only if I try and look for it will I see it. Being aware of its limitations, it can easily be overlooked. Don’t squeeze it, push hard, etc. 

Macy: I've heard others say the crease would be a deal breaker for them, but it hasn't been an issue for me. After a while, you don't even notice it! I would encourage those who are hesitant about the crease on foldables to give them a shot.

Stephen: I would relate the crease to a human nose where you may be seeing it constantly, but your brain ignores it. The crease with the Flip3 was noticeable especially during horizontal viewing. Now, the phone is at such a stage where crease is just not an issue.

Joining the Flip Side

The innovative design of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5, combined with our rugged Unicorn Beetle PRO phone cases, has not only elevated the personal mobile experience of everyone who contributed to this blog post but also infused it with some quirk and uniqueness through its foldable design.

How about you? Do you also own a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 or are thinking of buying one? Let us know in the comments section!

SUPCASE Samsung Z Flip5
Kristel Silang
Kristel Silang is the Content Marketing Manager for SUPCASE. She has been in the marketing industry for 12 years with expertise on content marketing, search engine optimization, and photography. Previous publications she has contributed to include The Manila Times, Compound Butter, and Livingston County CVB.


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