The perfect phone cases for people who hate phone cases

Are you a phone case minimalist? Take our Top 20 quiz!

Add up your score!

  1. You despise 98.8% of phone cases.
  2. You want everybody to know–and see–you own the latest iPhone or Galaxy.
  3. You use your phone without a case. Most of the time, you look really cool. Killing it. Other times, you look raggedy; operating a phone with a shattered screen or cracked back.
  4. Years ago, an inferior case broke your heart–and your phone. Since then, you haven’t looked at another case without getting in your feelings
  5. You use your phone without a case. Most of the time, you look really cool. Killing it. Other times, you look raggedy; operating a phone with a shattered screen or cracked back.
  6. Years ago, an inferior case broke your heart–and your phone. Since then, you haven’t looked at another case without getting in your feelings.
  7. Mac, the guy at the phone repair store, knows you by first name. To save time, he memorized your account number for your phone service provider.
  8. You don’t believe the hype behind drop tests. You think The UB Pro’s 20-foot drop test championship at CES was fake news. Same with the Apollo 11 moon landing (circa 1969).
  9. The iPhone XS Max weighs 7.34 oz. And there’s noooooo way you’re going to add 0.8 oz. by installing The UB Sport’s snap-on case. No &%#* way!
  10. You keep a monthly phone repair deductible budget.
  11. You own stock in Gorilla Glass (publicly traded on NYSE/ S&P 500 under Corning International).
  12. You swear it’s a myth that phones last longer with phone cases
  13. You spent $1,000 on your phone. And you’re not about to spend $19.99 for a SUPCASE product…just to defend against drops.
  14. Just because you know you need protection from unexpected scratches and drops…doesn’t mean you have to be happy about it!
  15. You’re extremely picky when it comes to buying a case. “Why spend around a grand for a digital dynamo of a phone…if all I’m going to do is cover it up with some plastic, puke-looking, eyesore?”
  16. You like the idea of buying a phone twice–monthly insurance adds up!
  17. You compare installing a case on a phone to eating dinner with a bib–you know, just in case you drop any mashed carrots.
  18. You like to look at your bare phone. After all, it’s your Trophy Phone.
  19. You never have used a phone case because you feel protection will make you less careful with the device. We’re also guessing you don’t wear a seat belt. Because if you did, you would drive too fast.
  20. You haven’t pitched you phone at a wall in days, so you’re cool.
  21. You ain’t worried. Christmas is coming up.

If you scored 10 or above, you’re a certified phone minimalist.

Are you like Tillman?

Tillman posted on Quora that he’s owned every iPhone, including the original  device. Here’s what he had to say about phone cases:

“I have owned a lot of smartphones and have very rarely used cases. I also have broken a lot of screens.

“I suspect the two are related.”

Define a good phone case?

The best phone cases keep devices safe in the roughest conditions. Ask fans of The Unicorn Beetle Pro, the award-winning case which in 2018, dominated an international drop test competition, surviving multiple drops from 20 feet.

Wait. What if that’s not the perfect phone case for you?

What if you don’t need–or want–that much protection? SUPCASE has a case for you too.

Check out the UB Style, the UB Electro and the UB Metro.

What makes these cases for minimalists stand out?

They’re slim. Super Slim. Sleek. Stylish. All this, without getting in the way of your phone’s natural beauty. It’s the ideal case for minimalists. Better yet, phone enthusiasts that frankly, don’t like cases, but know it only takes one drop to ruin your week, leading to a timely and costly repair or replacement.

It’s drop defense which fits comfortably in your pocket. It’s raised bezels that are barely noticed when the phone is in your hand.

And yes, everybody can clearly see you own the latest iPhone. Or Galaxy.

Colin Webster
Colin Webster is currently the Logistics Supervisor for SUPCASE. He has been with the company for 10 years.


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  • Anne

    I usually like my phone without a case as well, but still have one because I am sacred that I might shatter or break something. But these cases seem very nice and I like how you can still see the back of the phone, almost like a clear case.

  • Dawn S

    These are definitely my favorite cases. I can’t stand the big and bulky. I want something that will fit into all the small purse pockets made for phones. And they still offer great protection.

  • Ilea Dowden

    this case is by far my favorite. Super light and thin. And outstanding protection.

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